Thursday, 17 March 2016

Nigeria Ranked 103rd Happiest Nation In The World

We are faced with so many issues in this country ranging from fuel scarcity, educational issues, political issues and many more but we are still happier than some countries. Pretty cool. 

 The United Nations has released its 2016 ranking of happiest nations and Denmark is on top of the list while Burundi is the least happy nation. According to the report which was released yesterday, the ranking examines factors such as people’s health and access to medical care, family relations, job security and social factors, including political freedom and level of corruption in government. The ranking which began in 2012 saw Nigeria placed 103 while Algeria is the highest placed African country at 38. 

According to Al-Jazeera, Denmark, where women hold 43 percent of the top jobs in the public sector, is known for its impressive welfare. The report noted that some countries have ministries of happiness as a way to achieve the better welfare of the citizens. “Four national governments – Bhutan, Ecuador, the UAE and Venezuela – have appointed ministers of happiness responsible for coordinating their national efforts.”

The top ten raked countries are: 
1. Denmark 
2. Switzerland 
3. Iceland 
4. Norway 
5. Finland 
6. Canada 
7. Netherlands 
8. New Zealand 
9. Australia 
10. Sweden. 

Eight of the least happy countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa while the other two are war-riddled nations. The least happy countries at the lower rung of the ladder are: 
148. Madagascar 
149. Tanzania 
150. Liberia 
151. Guinea 
152. Rwanda 
153. Benin 
154. Afghanistan
 155. Togo 
156. Syria 
157. Burundi

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